Buses in Ischia

Bus is the cheapest way to travel around Ischia and most of ‘Must visit’ places (Maronti beach, Lacco Ameno shopping street, Sant’Angelo) can be reached by bus. The Ischia buses are frequent enough, they run every 15-20 minutes.
You can buy the tickets at a cigarette shop, newsagents and even bars. You can also buy a ticket directly on the board but you pay a little bit extra in this case. It is also possible to buy 3 days ticket, week or month ticket if necessary.
Please see the EAVBUS Timetables below for full details:
Prices for the tickets:
Single journey ticket: €1.50

Ticket valid for 100 minutes (bought from a ticket office, newsagent or bar): €1.80

Single ticket bought on the bus from the driver: €2.00

All day ticket (valid until midnight of the day that you stamp it for the first time): €4.50

Three day ticket: €11

Weekly ticket (valid until midnight of the first Sunday after the first use): €14.50

Monthly ticket (valid until the last day of the month in was used for the first time): €33.60

Yearly ticket (valid for 12 months starting from the month of the first use and until the last day of the 12th month): €235.20

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